Saturday, February 9, 2008

My blog still sucks, but i have slippers

I've heard from someone else, who shall be anonymous, that they also think my blog sucks, because it's all about meat. To proove that it is not all about meat (i don't eat meat by the way, but sometimes it just looks photo-worthy) i thought i'd take this blogortunity to showcase my slippers, and also a detailed photo documentary of my recent cup of tea.


Here are my slippers. I bought them a few weeks ago from a shop across the road for $70 hong kong, so about $10 australian. They have provided me with unspeakable joy, because they provide exceptionally well all the main properties of slippers; comfort while walking, enough fleecy soft material inside to give a sensation of warmth as well as comfort (perhaps could be likened to a trip inside the womb as a feotus, but for your feet) and ease of entering into and out of the slippers, as the nature of this piece of footwear is to 'slip' into them, usually from a reclining position.

Here are my slippers from another angle. This highlights the cutaway design. But choosing this style i've compromised by having increased 'slippability' but decreased walking comfort and possibly warmth.

You can see here the fleecy stuff inside. It's very cosy, makes me feel like i'm wrapped up in a lamb. (a live lamb, not a dead edible one!)


Oolong tea is grown in southern China, Taiwan and even a tiny bit in Hong Kong, so the rumour goes. It is achieved by processing the tea to a point between black and green, giving a taste lighter than black, but a different taste from green.

This is my kickarse tea pot. You put the tea in the compartment and let it brew.

Then drip it into the pot, thus preventing it from over-steeping, but keeping it warm to drink at your leisure. Genius!

If you've read this far, then well done. I'm sure you'll notice that in this entry there is no meat, no racial slurs, and more words than in previous entries. If you've read this far, i'm also sure that you're my mum. Hi mum! How do your slippers rate?


Daniel said...

Your blog does not suck Flea.
It has a good blend of photos and text, imho.
And I want more pictures of meat! Don't discriminate against your non-vego friends now.
Nothing like a bit of street-side Asian sweet, roasted pork...
Hello heaven.

Jessie said...

hello intestinal worms! : P