Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Freak Winter and Chinese Dumplings

This week there has been freak whether all over China. Hong Kong is apparently much colder than normal. It's like the climate's changing. There's been massive problems with transport, as powerlines going down has made trains from beijing -hong kong just stop in the middle of nowhere. I read in a paper that on one such train, they didn't give the passengers any food or water, and the train staff threatened to lock up any disruptful passengers. Hours later they sold the passengers instant noodles, without any hot water facilities.

Because of the delays, combined with hundreds of thousands of people travelling to the mainland for Chinese new year next week, there are currently around 200,000 people waiting at GuangZhou train station, just the next province from Hong Kong. Some exchange students didn't hear about the stranded people waiting there and suggested catching a train in a few days. ha - I hope they go and get eaten by the increasingly angry mob.

Anyway, as Chairman Mao once said *, when the natural disasters are wreaking havoc around the coutry, one should make dumplings!

*Chairman Mao never said this.

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