Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hotpots vs Pasta

With the crappy weather, we've been stuck inside watching DVD's and eating food for the last couple of days. I watched a scary film about a girl who gets sold as a wife slave into a creepy hick village in northern China. And another film about a good looking Korean banker who can do magic tricks but can't get a girl.

Meanwhile, the Europeans have been getting restless without European food. So they transformed the hotpot arena into a pasta making extravaganza.

This is a hotpot I attended a few weeks ago (when i say attended, i was watching tv next to it, and this girl is my classmate so she made me put assorted rubbery meat products into the meal.)

En depit des difficultes pour faire cuire des crepes deans des hot pot et dans des poeles sans manche, nous nous sommes bien regalees...

Pasta. Less rubbery meat. More cream.


Henry said...

Hey Flea!

Good blog. I am caught up on it now. I am in Vientiane! again :(

I'm not going to Hong Kong, I'm going to Camobdia instead. I think it is cool that you have a hotpot area.

Your room-mate seems like fun. And is offensive.

I miss you!

Jessie said...

so much food!